Healthy cooking for November Holidays! Recipe for Gingery Broccoli Soup with Mint

Healthy cooking for November Holidays! Recipe for Gingery Broccoli Soup with Mint

Samira Daswani

Nutrition, cancer, and caregiving, when combined is a tall order! Eating during and after a cancer diagnosis can be stress-inducing! 

Now the anti-cancer food movement is full of pseudo-scientific information. Oncologists and nutritionists try their best to provide high-level guidance. Sadly it’s not specific enough to implement. What we are going to do is occasionally share our favorite recipes from others who have gone through the cancer experience. 

Here’s the first of them all. As the November holidays approach us, for those of you in the same boat as us, it is both a happy time of year, and a stressful time of year. One of our favorite recipes is broccoli and leek soup. It’s hearty, simple, delicious, and healthy!

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Gingery Broccoli Soup with Mint

Hands-on time → 10 mins

Cooking time → 20 mins 

Anti-cancer soup for the holidays - Gingery Broccoli Soup with Mint

Download the recipe card here.