Manta Planner available in NYC Health + Hospitals/Metropolitan Breast Clinic

Manta Planner available in NYC Health + Hospitals/Metropolitan Breast Clinic

Molly Lindquist

Cancer patients at NYC Health + Hospitals/Metropolitan now have access to the Manta Planner, a structured medical planner for cancer patients and caregivers to document and organize their treatment and recovery process.

Samira Daswani shows a Manta Planner at Metropolitan Hospital NYC
On October 6th, during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Samira Daswani, a breast cancer survivor who created the Manta Planner, a structured medical planner for cancer patients and caregivers, handed out the planner to cancer patients in the Breast Health Center. Samira Daswani is recent breast cancer survivor on a personal mission to make the cancer experience just a little easier for caregivers and survivors. She created the Manta Planner to stay organized during her own journey and is now donating distributing the planners to help patients at NYC Health + Hospitals/Metropolitan Breast Clinic. In addition to English, the planner has been translated into Spanishand Portuguese to help patients stay organized and document their treatment and recovery process.
The Breast Center at NYC Health + Hospitals/Metropolitan is recognized for excellence in patient care by the National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers (NAPBC), a program administered by the American College of Surgeons.