Taxol 12 Weekly Treatments Side Effects

Taxol 12 Weekly Treatments Side Effects

Author: Molly Lindquist

Medically reviewed by Dr. Doug Blayney on February 26, 2024


Hearing the words “You have Cancer” is devastating and terrifying. All of a sudden you are dropped into “Cancerland” which has an entirely foreign language. This overview will introduce you to a specific chemotherapy treatment called Taxol™. Chemotherapy is a powerful treatment for cancer that uses strong medications to stop or slow down the growth of cancer cells. These medications travel through the bloodstream, reaching all parts of the body to target and destroy cancer cells. Unfortunately, they can also target healthy cells too, which cause some of the side effects associated with chemotherapy.

In the world of breast cancer treatment, Taxol, also known as paclitaxel, is a chemotherapy drug that plays a crucial role in helping patients. Taxol is probably the most effective  medication for breast cancer treatment and  has shown significant benefit  in the treatment of breast cancer, helping to slow down the growth of cancer cells. It belongs to a group of drugs called taxanes, and its chemical structure is similar to another commonly used drug, Taxotere™ (docetaxel). While both Taxol and Taxotere aim to combat breast cancer, they have differences in their chemical makeup and how they work. Facing breast cancer and its treatments can be tough, not only for patients but also for their caregivers. Throughout this experience, individuals encounter various challenges, and we are here to break down some of those challenges for you so you get a lay of the land and are armed with questions to ask your doctor and care team.

Table of Contents

Understanding Taxol Treatments

Taxol (chemical name: paclitaxel) chemotherapy is commonly used to treat various types of breast cancer, particularly those that are classified as "taxane-sensitive." Taxanes, like paclitaxel (Taxol), are effective against breast cancers that are sensitive to these types of drugs. This includes both early-stage and advanced-stage breast cancers. Taxol is often used in combination with other chemotherapy drugs or as part of a comprehensive treatment plan that may include surgery, radiation, or hormonal therapy, depending on the specific characteristics of the cancer and the individual patient. The decision to use Taxol as part of the treatment regimen is based on factors such as the type of breast cancer, its stage, and other individual health considerations. It's important for patients to discuss their specific treatment plan and any concerns with their healthcare team. Take a look at our Manta Planner to help remind you to write down questions to ask your doctor to prepare for your appointments. 

How is this regimen given?

Taxol chemotherapy is usually administered through an intravenous (IV) infusion, which means the medication is delivered directly into a person's vein through a small tube. This process is commonly done at a hospital or a specialized clinic. Before starting the infusion, healthcare professionals check the person's health, and once everything is in order, they carefully insert a small needle into a vein, typically in the arm. Taxol can also be administered through an infusion port, which we discuss elsewhere in this blog.  The Taxol medication is then slowly released into the bloodstream through the IV, allowing it to travel throughout the body and reach the cancer cells. The infusion process may take several hours, and during this time, individuals often rest comfortably in a designated treatment area. When I was going through chemotherapy, I watched a lot of Netflix from that recliner chair. The frequency and duration of Taxol chemotherapy sessions depend on the specific treatment plan designed by your medical team depending on your circumstances

Are there other medications I will receive with this regimen?

During Taxol chemotherapy, you may also receive other medications to help manage possible side effects and support your overall well-being. These additional medications are often given to prevent or alleviate reactions such as allergic responses or nausea. Your medical team carefully considers your individual needs and tailors the treatment plan to address any challenges that may arise during or after the Taxol infusion. These supportive medications aim to make your chemotherapy experience more tolerable and enhance the effectiveness of the treatment against cancer. If you have any concerns or questions about the medications you are receiving, it's important to discuss them openly with your healthcare providers to ensure the best care for your specific situation.

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The Role of Taxol (Paclitaxel) in Breast Cancer Care

Explanation of how Taxol (Paclitaxel) works against breast cancer.

Taxol treatments combat breast cancer by working to stop the growth and division of cancer cells. This chemotherapy drug belongs to a group called taxanes, and it interferes with the cancer cells' ability to divide and multiply. (As an aside, the taxanes play a role in the Agatha Christie novel A Pocketful of Rye!) Taxol does this by stabilizing structures within the cells called microtubules, which are essential for cell division. By stabilizing these structures, Taxol disrupts the normal process of cell division, preventing the cancer cells from growing and spreading. This helps to shrink tumors and slow down the progression of breast cancer. 

Insights into the research supporting weekly treatments of Taxol for improved outcomes.

Before this study, there were questions about the optimal schedule of administration of a taxane chemotherapy drug. 4950 women with axillary lymph node–positive or high-risk, lymph node–negative breast cancer were enrolled in the study which showed that weekly paclitaxel after standard adjuvant chemotherapy with doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide improves disease-free and overall survival in women with breast cancer.  Taxol can be given weekly, or at a higher dose every two or three weeks which may lessen the side effects.  While this is general guidance, check with your own doctor and care team to see what makes sense for your specific circumstances.

Preparing for Taxol Treatments

Preparing for Taxol treatments involves discussing the treatment plan with your healthcare team and understanding the potential side effects. It's essential to follow any pre-treatment instructions provided by your medical team, such as fasting requirements or specific medications to take before the session, to ensure a safe and effective chemotherapy experience. And it’s completely normal to feel nervous to head into the infusion room, particularly the first time. I remember feeling like I was entering some sort of alternate universe, where rows of people were hooked to IV pumps, sitting in recliners, resting or chatting or reading. It was a surreal experience, but one that became more familiar and less scary as my treatments went on. In fact, I got to know the nurses well (shout out to Rob who could always find a vein!) and made friends with a couple of patients who were on the same infusion schedule as I was on.

What to Expect in Taxol Infusion

To hopefully eliminate some of your “fear of the unknown,” here are some things to expect when you or your loved one heads in for their Taxol infusion.

Detailed run-through of the treatment process, from the first infusion to completion.

Day of Treatment:

  • Arrival at the treatment facility, usually a hospital or clinic.
  • Health check, including vital signs and blood tests.  Blood tests may also be done a day or two prior to the treatment.
  • Placement of an intravenous (IV) line for medication administration. You might also already have a port placed and will not get an IV placed each time.

During Treatment:

  • Slow infusion of Taxol chemotherapy over several hours, typically ranging from 1 to 6 hours. This is a good time to do some Netflix binging or catch a nice nap.
  • Monitoring by healthcare professionals to ensure safety and address any immediate concerns.
  • Availability of support services, such as a nurse or healthcare provider, to answer questions or address issues. Sometimes I would have non-cancer related conversations with my nurses as well - they really are angels!

After Treatment:

  • Removal of the IV line.
  • Post-treatment assessments to ensure no immediate adverse reactions.
  • Instructions on managing potential side effects at home.
  • Scheduling of follow-up appointments or additional treatments as part of the overall treatment plan.
  • Checking off another round completed! That is no small feat and you should celebrate that!

It's important to note that the frequency and number of treatment sessions may vary based on each person’s specific treatment plan and the type and stage of breast cancer being treated.

Practical advice on scheduling and managing appointments.

Managing all of your appointments can be overwhelming, so take a look at our Manta Planner, a notebook where you can take notes before and during appointments, track your symptoms, journal your gratitude and more. This planner was created by a patient for other patients and caregivers and is science-backed.

Understanding Taxol (Paclitaxel) and its Side Effects

While the purpose of chemotherapy medicine is to help treat your cancer, it typically brings along other side effects that you might have to deal with. Thanks for that, Cancer.

Physical Side Effects of Taxol

Taxol has a number of side effects that you might experience and some ways to think about dealing with those. Make sure you communicate those side effects with your care team as there might be ways to help alleviate them. Do not suffer in silence!

Allergic Reactions
  • Pre-medication with antihistamines or steroids.
  • Monitoring closely during infusion for early signs.
  • Immediately notify the healthcare team if any reaction occurs.
Changes in Blood Pressure
  • Regular monitoring during infusion.
  • Adjusting position or medications as needed.
  • Notifying healthcare providers if significant changes occur.
Nausea and Vomiting
  • Preemptive anti-nausea medications.
  • Adjusting the infusion rate.
  • Informing healthcare providers if nausea persists for appropriate interventions.
Muscle and Joint Pain
  • Pain relievers as prescribed.
  • Adjustments to the infusion rate.
  • Communicating discomfort to healthcare providers for appropriate interventions.
  • Ensuring adequate rest and balanced lifestyle.  Maintaining an exercise regimen is important to help alleviate fatigue.
  • Communicating excessive fatigue to healthcare providers for adjustments.
Low Blood Cell Counts
  • Regular blood tests to monitor levels.
  • Adjusting the treatment plan if necessary.
  • Taking precautions to avoid infections.
Peripheral Neuropathy 
  • Neuropathy is usually experienced as a numbness of the fingers or toes.  Neuropathy may be cumulative – that is, it becomes more pronounced with each successive dose.
  • Informing healthcare providers about symptoms.
  • Adjusting the treatment plan or medications as needed.
  • Managing activities to minimize stress on hands and feet.
Hair Loss
  • Discussing emotional support with healthcare providers.
  • Considering scalp cooling devices to minimize hair loss.
  • Exploring options for wigs or head coverings.

Healthcare providers can offer personalized strategies and interventions to manage and alleviate these effects, enhancing the overall treatment experience, but only if you communicate with them!

Late Effects of of Taxol

In addition to some of the side effects that might present themselves right away, there are some other longer term side effects to be aware of.

Fertility Concerns 

Taking Taxol chemotherapy can impact fertility, which is the ability to have children. Taxol, along with some other chemotherapy drugs, might affect the ovaries, which are the parts of the body that produce eggs. This could result in temporary or, in some cases, permanent changes to a person's ability to conceive. It's essential for people considering or undergoing Taxol treatment to talk with your healthcare team about fertility preservation options before starting chemotherapy. This way, yiy can explore and make informed decisions about your future family planning.

Emotional and Psychological Side Effects of Taxol

While we often focus on the physical impact that cancer has, it takes a huge emotional toll as well.

Anxiety and Depression

After completing Taxol chemotherapy, some individuals may experience feelings of anxiety and depression. Coping with the challenges of cancer treatment, along with the uncertainty of the future, can contribute to these emotions. It's essential for patients to share their feelings with their healthcare team, as there are supportive resources and counseling services available to help navigate through this emotional journey. Open communication with loved ones and healthcare providers can play a crucial role in addressing anxiety and depression, promoting mental well-being during the recovery phase. I didn’t think I “needed” therapy, but after going through therapy I was so glad that I did as it helped me process the upending of my life that came with my cancer diagnosis. It is not weak to ask for help!

Mood Swings

Who wouldn’t be moody when dealing with cancer?! Experiencing mood swings after Taxol chemotherapy is quite normal, as the treatment process can bring about various emotions. Hormonal changes, physical challenges, and the stress of managing cancer can contribute to mood fluctuations. It's important to recognize and communicate these feelings with your healthcare team, who can provide support and guidance. Connecting with friends, family, or support groups can also be helpful in navigating through mood swings and promoting emotional well-being during the recovery journey. It is okay to feel all the feels.

Fear of Recurrence

After completing Taxol chemotherapy, some people may experience a fear of the cancer coming back, known as fear of recurrence. This fear is natural and can be influenced by the uncertainty that often comes with cancer survivorship. Make sure you talk about this with your support people or even a professional. Keep in mind that regular follow-up appointments and check-ups help monitor your health and address any potential signs of recurrence, offering a proactive approach to managing this fear. Additionally, joining support groups or seeking counseling can be beneficial, providing a space to share experiences and coping strategies with others who may be going through similar emotions. My fellow survivors continue to be my sounding board, twelve years after my breast cancer diagnosis. It takes a village to get through this experience!

Strategies for Managing Taxol Side Effects

So what do you do about all this extra side effect crap you have to deal with?! We have a few suggestions here, but drop a comment below if there has been anything particularly helpful for you that we missed. 

Supportive Care for Managing Taxol Side Effects

Palliative care is amazing for helping to manage side effects. Palliative care has gotten a bad rap over the years, as people automatically associate the word “palliative” with “hospice.” Palliative care is not exclusively end of life care. Hospice is the end-of-life version of palliative care, but palliative care can be used throughout your treatment experience. Palliative literally means supportive, so here are some supportive strategies for managing some of those side effects.

Physical Therapies: Massage, acupuncture, and yoga can alleviate physical discomfort and promote well-being.

Physical therapies such as massage, acupuncture, and yoga can be helpful in managing side effects of Taxol chemotherapy. Massage involves gentle manipulation of muscles, which may ease tension and promote relaxation. Acupuncture, a practice from traditional Chinese medicine, uses tiny needles on specific points to alleviate pain and discomfort. Yoga combines gentle movements, breathing exercises, and meditation to improve flexibility and reduce stress. These therapies can be valuable in easing physical discomfort, promoting a sense of well-being, and providing relief during the challenging times of Taxol treatment.

Also Read: Can Claritin Help With Joint Pain From Breast Cancer Treatment?

Counseling: Offers emotional support to cope with psychological effects of treatment.

Counseling can be a valuable resource for while undergoing Taxol chemotherapy, offering emotional support to help cope with the psychological effects of treatment. A counselor or therapist provides a safe space to express feelings, fears, and uncertainties related to the cancer experience. This support can be especially beneficial in managing stress, anxiety, and depression that may arise during and after treatment. Counselors offer coping strategies, tools for emotional well-being, and guidance to navigate the emotional aspects of cancer. Asking for help from a counselor or therapist is not a sign of weakness, just a sign that you are human. 

Complementary Therapies: Herbal supplements and mind-body therapies can promote overall health and wellbeing.

Complementary therapies, like meditation, herbal supplements, and dietary changes, can be helpful in managing side effects of Taxol chemotherapy. These approaches work alongside medical treatments to enhance overall well-being. Meditation promotes relaxation and reduces stress, while specific herbs or dietary adjustments may alleviate symptoms like nausea or fatigue. It's important to discuss these therapies with the healthcare team to ensure they are safe and compatible with the treatment plan. Integrating complementary therapies can offer additional support, addressing both the physical and emotional aspects of the side effects that may come with Taxol treatment.

Not to harp on you, but again, be sure that you discuss the palliative care strategies that are right for you with your care team so they can cater it to your specific situation and needs. There is no one-size-fits all approach.

Our Commitment to You

The Manta Cares team is composed of cancer survivors, caregivers and oncologists - so we truly understand the challenges that come with a cancer diagnosis because we’ve been there. We are here to walk with you as you go through your own cancer experience. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions. We are even developing disease-specific step-by-step maps to show you all the paths you might face during your cancer experience and connect you with relevant support and resources. Sign up for access to our Manta Maps here.

Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter and check out our free resources like our Chemotherapy Checklist for Caregivers, Financial Checklist for Cancer Treatment and more. We also put out a bi-weekly podcast called the Patient from Hell to educate, empower and hopefully inspire you as you go through this crappy experience. You can listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube or anywhere you listen to podcasts. Dealing with cancer as a patient or caregiver can feel really lonely. Just know that you are not alone in this experience.


Understanding and preparing for Taxol chemotherapy is an important step in the cancer experience. This medication plays a significant role in fighting breast cancer, but it comes with its own set of challenges and side effects. By gaining knowledge about the treatment process, potential side effects, and supportive strategies, you can empower yourself to navigate this difficult path more effectively. Open communication with healthcare teams, asking questions, and discussing concerns are essential in ensuring a tailored and comprehensive approach to care. With insights into the treatment's impact on fertility, emotional well-being, and long-term effects, you can make informed decisions and actively participate in your recovery.

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FAQs on Taxol (Paclitaxel) 12 Weekly Treatments Side Effects

Q: How well is weekly Taxol tolerated?

Ans - Weekly Taxol is generally well-tolerated by many patients undergoing breast cancer treatment. The weekly schedule aims to enhance tolerability while effectively fighting cancer, but individual experiences may vary, and it's important for patients to communicate any concerns or side effects with their healthcare team.

Q: How will I feel on weekly Taxol?

Ans - How you feel on weekly Taxol can differ from person to person, but some individuals might experience fatigue, mild nausea, or muscle and joint discomfort. It's essential to communicate any feelings or concerns with your healthcare team, as they can provide support and adjustments to help manage these potential side effects.

Q: How many rounds of Taxol should I take for breast cancer?

Ans - The number of rounds of Taxol for breast cancer varies based on individual treatment plans and the type and stage of cancer. Your healthcare team will determine the specific duration and frequency of Taxol sessions to ensure the most effective and personalized approach for your situation.

Q: Is weekly Taxol better?

Ans - Whether weekly Taxol is better depends on the specific characteristics of your breast cancer and your overall health. Some studies suggest that weekly Taxol may have benefits in certain cases, improving outcomes, but your healthcare team will consider your unique situation to determine the most suitable treatment plan.

Q: What foods to avoid while taking Taxol?

Ans - While on Taxol, it's advisable to avoid grapefruit and its juice, as it may interact with the medication. Additionally, discussing dietary restrictions with your healthcare team is crucial to ensure the safest and most effective treatment.

Q: Do you always lose your hair with weekly Taxol?

Ans - Not everyone loses their hair with weekly Taxol, but it is a common side effect. The extent of hair loss can vary from person to person, and your healthcare team can provide more information based on your individual situation.  The hair loss is almost always temporary.  Your hair may start to come back during the later part of the Taxol treatment.  Return of your hair is not a sign that the treatment is not working!

Q: What are the positive effects of Taxol?

Ans - The positive effects of Taxol include its ability to slow down the growth of cancer cells, shrinking tumors and impeding their progression. It plays a crucial role in breast cancer treatment and, when effective, contributes to improving overall health outcomes.

Q: When should I call the doctor?

Ans - Call your doctor while on Taxol treatment if you experience severe side effects such as high fevers, difficulty breathing, allergic reactions, or persistent nausea that doesn't improve with prescribed medications. It's important to communicate any concerns or unusual symptoms to your healthcare team for prompt evaluation and guidance.

Q: What is the success rate of Taxol?

Ans - The success rate of Taxol in treating breast cancer varies depending on the type and stage of the cancer. Your healthcare team will discuss the expected outcomes based on your specific situation and treatment plan.

Q: What is the life expectancy of someone on paclitaxel?

Ans - The life expectancy of someone on paclitaxel (Taxol) depends on various factors such as the type and stage of cancer, overall health, and how well the treatment works. Your healthcare team can provide more information based on your individual circumstances and response to the medication.

Q: How do I prepare for Taxol treatment?

Ans - To prepare for Taxol treatment, follow any instructions from your healthcare team, which may include fasting before the session or taking specific medications. It's crucial to discuss and understand the treatment plan, potential side effects, and ask any questions you may have during appointments with your medical team to ensure a safe and effective experience.

Q: Can patients expect to maintain their normal daily activities during the 12 weeks of Taxol treatment?

Ans - Patients undergoing 12 weeks of Taxol treatment may find it challenging to maintain all their normal daily activities, as side effects like fatigue and potential disruptions to routine can occur. It's important to communicate with the healthcare team to manage expectations and discuss strategies for balancing treatment with daily life responsibilities.

Q: What are the best strategies for managing the side effects associated with Taxol treatments?

Ans - The best strategies for managing side effects associated with Taxol treatments include communicating openly with your healthcare team about any discomfort or challenges and following their recommendations for medications or supportive therapies. Taking care of your overall well-being by getting enough rest, maintaining an exercise schedule, staying hydrated, and incorporating complementary therapies like massage or counseling can also contribute to minimizing side effects.

Q: How do caregivers support patients through the side effects and emotional challenges of Taxol treatments?

Ans - Caregivers play a crucial role in supporting patients through the side effects and emotional challenges of Taxol treatments. They can help by attending medical appointments, offering practical assistance with daily tasks, and providing emotional support through active listening and understanding. Caregivers also encourage open communication between the patient and healthcare team, ensuring that any concerns or side effects are addressed promptly. Their presence and support contribute significantly to the overall well-being and resilience of the patient during the Taxol treatment journey.

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